Time: Dec. 2021
Course: Creative Technology 1
Instructor: Maxim Safioulline
Create a system that allows you to play music (and possibly video) from your computer using a physical custom interface of your own design and creation. Will you make it for your own personal use or more general, usable by a larger group of people? Is it mean for solo preformance or multiple people? Will it be specific to a genre of music? How do you select the parameters that you can manipulate.
I want to make a two-handed playing instrument that can be a solo toy, with each finger control diferent sound. Sort of like the combination of joystick and piano, fingers should collaborate to make tones.
I used delay to set interval between different sounds, but the delay ended up influence the whole play, the oscillator would not play fluently if drums were on
It's a big figure with small core, I drilled four holes to tape the sensors. The whole look turned out to be minimal, although it played funny sound.
The instrument works just fine, I did math careflly with the pitches, the tone and frequency. The final outcome is a wierd combination of garage drum and flute-like instrument. Kind of like a child's toy for learning the pitches and hand-brain coordination.